Scoring Opportunities to Convert from Baseline Out-of-Bounds Sets

These baseline out-of-bounds plays are designed to create quick scoring opportunities while transitioning into the team’s primary offensive sets. Overall maintaining offensive momentum while catching the defense off guard. Creating BLOBs that seamlessly transition into common offensive sets can greatly enhance a team’s efficiency and fluidity.

Types of Scoring Opportunities

The best types of scoring opportunities in basketball are transition, after a timeout, and baseline out-of-bounds. These are areas of weakness when a team can take advantage. There always seems to be a breakdown defensively but also it allows the coach to draw up or call a specific play.

Below are 4 BLOBs that flow into the most common half-court offensive sets. Click on any play image to view the entire play with coaching notes.

  • Flex Offense
  • Motion Offense (Dribble Drive)
  • Princeton / Chin
  • Horns

Flex Offense

The Flex Offense is a popular basketball strategy known for its structured yet flexible movement patterns, focusing on constant motion, screening, and cutting. Flex is designed to create high-percentage scoring opportunities around the paint.

Motion Offense (Dribble Drive Offense)

The Motion Offense, also known as the Dribble Drive Offense, is a fluid and versatile basketball strategy. Emphasizing player movement, spacing, and specifically “read and react” principles over set plays. It relies on principles and reads, allowing players to make decisions based on the defense’s actions. Motion can be tailored to fit the strengths and skills of the players, making it adaptable to various team compositions.

With an emphasis on movement and spacing, Motion Offense becomes a powerful and dynamic strategy suitable for all levels of play. From youth basketball to professional leagues.

Princeton Into Chin

The Princeton or Chin offense is a versatile strategy emphasizing constant movement, spacing, and flexibility. It uses high post screens, backdoor cuts, and dribble hand-offs to create scoring opportunities. By adapting to defensive schemes and encouraging players to read the defense, it effectively exploits mismatches and promotes teamwork.

Horns Offense

The Horns offense features two post players at the high elbows and two perimeter players on the wings, with the point guard at the top of the key. It uses screens and cuts, such as high screens and down screens, to create open shot opportunities and driving lanes. The offense is highly adaptable, allowing for various actions like pick-and-roll and isolation plays. Its effective spacing and ball movement help exploit defensive weaknesses and create multiple scoring options.

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