Basketball on Chopping Block at SC State


Trustees at South Carolina State have still not balanced their budget, BUT they have agreed not to cut men’s basketball. According to reports, butting the program would have cost the school over $700,000 in league penalties and placed the athletic department on probation.


According to reports, South Carolina State could be close to cutting its men’s basketball program. The South Carolina State Board of Trustees met earlier this week, but was unable to come to agreement on a budget. In April, the school received a $6 million loan from the state to cover costs, but will need an additional $7 million to keep operating. In order to secure this second loan, the school must balance their budget. The current proposal for balancing the budget includes the cutting all funding for the men’s basketball program. The new fiscal year begins on July 1, and the budget must be balanced by them. Stay tuned for more on this one.