Saturday Dallas Dirt

Actually going to do something “touristy” today and visit the Grassy Knoll. Before I head out, here are a few things that I heard while bouncing around last night…

• The buzz around here is that Davidson associate head coach Jim Fox is the choice at Appalachian State. Sounds like it could get done over the weekend. Fox has been at Davidson for the past 13 seasons.

• The “hot” name yesterday at Ohio was Ohio State’s Jeff Boals. He is a 1995 Ohio grad and former captain there. Boals has been at Ohio State since 2009 and had previous stops at Akron and Robert Morris.

• Southern Illinois head coach Barry Hinson’s name keeps coming up surrounding the Tulsa job. Hinson has been at SIU for the past two seasons and has also been the head coach at Oral Roberts and Missouri State. He is a Bill Self guy – worked for him at ORU and at Kansas. Seems like Self has a lot of juice with this gig – KU assistant Norm Roberts is also tied to the job, and former head coach Danny Manning was a former Self assistant.

• I have heard that Oregon State assistant DBO Kenya Crandell will join Brian Fish’s new staff at Montana State. He and Fish worked together for the past three seasons at OSU. Crandell has also been on staff at Southern Utah, Nebraska-Omaha, Sacramento State, and Northern Colorado.

• Odd situation surrounding a SWAC school. Look for some type of announcement in the next few days, but very odd…will give more here when I am given the green light.

• Story making the rounds here…Boston College was closer than anyone knew to landing Villanova’s Jay Wright. Apparently the BC administration never saw Jerry Maguire – “show me the money!”