Daily Dirt II – 5/23/13

Another round of "the dirt"…

• Xavier assistant Ashley Howard is headed back to his hometown of Philadelphia where he will become an assistant at Villanova. Howard spent this past season on Chris Mack’s staff at Xavier – he was previously an assistant at Philadelphia schools Drexel (his alma mater), and La Salle. He will replace Raphael Chillious who returned to Washington last week.

• I blogged on 5/14 that I had heard Harvard assistant Yanni Hufnagel was in the mix for an assistant spot at Vanderbilt (http://hoopdirt.com/blog/7be3a274/daily-dirt-5-14-13/…). I can now confirm that it is a done deal – Hufnagel is indeed headed to Vandy. Apparently he was also involved at Memphis (he and Josh Pastner are tight), but ultimately decided become a Commodore.

• Another follow-up…on 5/9 I mentioned that former Tulane and Miami head coach Perry Clark was involved at South Carolina (http://hoopdirt.com/blog/63e34b68/daily-dirt-5-9-13/…). I’ve now heard from two great sources that it’s his job to turn down. He would replace Brad Underwood who became the head coach at Stephen F. Austin last month.

• I will have updates tomorrow on the searches at Cal State East Bay and Bethel (MN).