Tennessee-Chattanooga rumors

Pretty interesting situation brewing down at Tennessee-Chattanooga. Head coach John Shulman has one year remaining on his contract ($138,000 base per season). Because UTC is currently searching for an AD (and won’t start the interview process until next month), the school will not offer him an extension. Shulman has said publically that he does not want to be a lame duck coach. There a lot of speculation as to what will happen next. Will Shulman resign to avoid a lame duck situation? With a new AD not starting until May or June, it’s highly unlikely that the school will buy him out – that would be a lot of pressure for a new AD to come in and hire a coach so late into the recruiting process. It sounds like Shulman will sit down with UTC’s chancellor some time in the coming days to figure this out. This is definitely a situation to keep an eye on.