Daily Dirt – 2/7/13

It’s getting to be that time of year…Blaine Taylor out at ODU on Tuesday, Tim Carter resigns at SC State last night. I’ve got a feeling this is only just the beginning. Here are a few quick hitters for today…

• From the ask and you shall receive department…yesterday, I mentioned that Sean Ellis was no longer on the staff at Northern Colorado. I’ve since learned from some great sources that he did in fact resign earlier this season. Apparently, he has joined his wife’s family restaurant business in Greely, CO. Sounds like a very lucrative move.

• I can confirm that Nelson Whitmore is officially out at Hamline University (MN). He was suspended earlier this season after his teams involvement in a hotel assault on New Year’s Eve (http://hoopdirt.com/news/c50b206e/hamline-coach-suspended-in…). Athletic Director Jason Verdugo will serve as the interim head coach for the remained of the season.