NCAA approves changes to Men’s Basketball recruiting

Sweeping changes have been approved by the NCAA Division I Board of Directors concerning men’s basketball recruiting. Under the new system, coaches are allowed to send unlimited texts and private messages through social media starting June 15 after a recruit’s sophomore year. The Board believed that allowing earlier and more frequent contact between coaches and recruits will help build stronger relationships and reduce some of the influence of third parties on the recruiting process.

There were also two major changes to the recruiting calendar. The July period will now be limited to three four-day periods beginning Wednesday at 5 p.m. and ending Sunday at 5 p.m. The April period will be limited to certified events that begin after 6 p.m. on Friday and end before 4 p.m. on Sunday.

Other changes that were approved by the board include:

*A start date for official visits beginning January 1 of the junior year, with schools able to pay travel expenses for the prospect and a parent/guardian.

*Permitting some contact at a prospect’s educational institution during the junior year in conjunction with an evaluation, with some restrictions and requirements.

*Permitting staged, on-campus evaluations in conjunction with official visits, though further details will be considered.

Here’s the link to the NCAA site for the official release:…+News/2011/October/Board+revamps+mens+basketball+recruiting?utm_source=delivra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ncaa_news_direct%2010/28/2011%2011:33:21