Arkansas situation

The situation at Arkansas is not a pretty one right now for head coach John Pelphrey. There have been rumors circulating about his future for sometime now, and two recent stories have come out that are not helping his cause.

First, last week a quater-page sized ad was placed in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette by a disgruntled Razorback fan. The ad called for Arkansas supporters and fans to contact university officials "on the future of Arkansas basketball before too much time passes." It listed addresses for university officials, including the school’s Board of Trustees members. Folllow the link below for a story from Arkansas Sports as well as a screen shot of the ad:…

Fast forward to today….as the Razorbacks prepare for their opening round SEC Tournament game vs. Tennessee, more bad news for Pelphrey. has published a photo of Pelphrey with two class of 2012 prospects from a HS tournament in December. The problem is that a coach can’t have face-to-face contact with juniors at an off-campus event before July 1st following their junior season. Here’s a link to the story:…

If the administration at Arkansas is looking for more ammo, they just came across an un-opened box of grenades. If the Razorbacks don’t run the table in the SEC tourney, this could very well mark the end of the Pelphrey era in Fayetteville (eventhough he has a big-time in-state recruiting class on the way).

In an ironic twist, today’s match-up vs. Tennessee features another coach who had some famous pictures of him and recruits leaked to the public. I don’t know much, but if you are going to break the rules at least make sure that there are no cameras around!