Bunkenburg out at D3 Benedictine U (IL)

Keith Bunkenburg is no longer listed as the head men’s basketball coach at D3 Benedictine University (IL). He has been replaced on an interim basis by assistant coach Jordan Townsend.

According to Benedictine’s newspaper The Candor, Bunkerburg “said the N-word to a Black player on his team during an open gym Tuesday.”

The report goes on to say that “The team lined up on the end line to stretch when Kevin Agwomoh, a men’s basketball player, walked in with his speaker on a low volume level. Bunkenberg allegedly said to Agwomoh, ​​’I’m just not trying to hear the word n-—er and bitches.'” 

The full article from The Candor can be found HERE.

Benedictine officials responded to the allegations with the following statement:

Yesterday evening we became aware of an alleged incident involving a member of our coaching staff making a racially insensitive remark. We immediately launched what will be a thorough investigation. However, as we move forward, let me be clear: We have zero tolerance for this behavior. We will not allow or tolerate racially insensitive remarks. We will not allow any member of our community to suffer from racial incidents or actions.

Our behavior must reflect what we value as a Benedictine and Catholic community. This is a place where all are welcome, diversity is a strength and the foundation of our community rests with the idea that everyone contributes to the commonality of our values and mission. Let it not be forgotten that our environment and our culture is about being considerate and compassionate towards those we learn with, work with, and worship with.

That is Benedictine.

Bunkenburg had been the head coach at Benedictine for the past 27-seasons.

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