Carroll University (WI) rumors

The search for a new head coach at Carroll University (WI) is heating up. I have heard from a great source that at least 7 phone interviews have been scheduled (with the possibility of an 8th). The names that I’ve heard that will get the phone interviews are:

• Aaron Aanonsen- Head coach Lakeland College (WI)

• Nick Bennett- Former assistant at Florida Gulf Coach and UT-Pan


• Kyle Brown- Assistant coach – St. Norbert College (WI)

• Paul Combs- Head coach Wayne State College (NE)

• Kent Dernbach- Assistant Coach- UW Stevens Point

• Todd Kelly- Assistant coach North Central College (IL)

• Dave Schultz- Head coach Waukesha West High School (WI). Former head coach at

Carroll University – took them to the Sweet 16.

More on this search as I hear it.