Daily Dirt 3/29 – The Evening Edition

A few things that I have heard at the end of the day….

Louisiana Tech has scheduled an 11:00am presser for tomorrow. As I said earlier today, it looks like Ole Miss assistant Mike White is the choice here. I’ll post the release once it becomes official.

Not sure what’s going on at Florida Gulf Coast. AD Ken Kavanagh has definitely narrowed his list to three. I can confirm that Florida State assistant is one of the three. I can’t say for sure who the other two are, but I’ve heard that iami associate coach Jorge Fernandez, Alabama associate head coach Dan Hipsher and Baylor director of basketball operations Tim Maloney are no longer in the mix. I’ve been trying to dig here, but have had a tough time with the other two names.

I said earlier that Oklahoma was going to make a run at BYU’s Dave Rose – they tried today, but he has said that he’s not interested. I also heard that they did have an interview today – still trying to find out who that was with.

Matt Painter has asked for another day to think about Missouri’s offer. Is he trying to get Purdue to pony up some more $$???