Daily Dirt – 4/2/13

Here’s what I’ve heard so far today…

• I have heard that former Louisville assistant Walter McCarty is on campus interviewing today at Fairleigh Dickinson. He follows NJIT’s Jim Engles who visited yesterday. McCarty played at Kentucky for Rick Pitino (won a National Championship in 1996) and spent 10 years in the NBA (New York, Boston, Phoenix, and the Clippers).

• The search at Northern Michigan is well under way. NMU has recently released the names of the 14 person search committee which includes community, staff, and faculty members. There have been over 80 applicants so far for the position – they will stop accepting resumes on 4/8. They will then narrow the field, conduct Skype interviews, and bring the finalists to campus. The whole process should wrap-up by early May.

• I mentioned last week that former Campbell assistant Ryan Ridder was the leader at Daytona State – I can now confirm that he has been hired there. He had spent three seasons on the staff at Campbell. His father Steve is the long-time head coach at nearby Embry-Riddle.

• Cal Baptist will introduce their new head coach today at 3pm (PST). Word on the street is that St. Mary’s assistant Rick Croy is the leader here. We’ll follow this one and bring you the official announcement once it is made.

• The search is on at Claflin University (SC). I mentioned last week that I had heard that USC Salkehatchie head coach Travis Garrett was a possibility here. From what I’ve heard this week, he’s still in the mix along with Winston-Salem State assistant James Wilhelmi and Calhoun County HS head coach (and former South Carolina great) Zam Fredrick.