Daily Dirt – 4/4/12

Here’s what I’ve got so far today….

• Yesterday I mentioned some guys that were involved with assistant spots at UNC-Greensboro (http://www.hoopdirt.com/blog/5f1a8964/daily-dirt-4-3-12/…). Last night I heard that Turner Battle has decided to stay at Buffalo. Two other names that have surfaced are Bucknell assistant Michael Cotton and Tulsa assistant Jeremy Ballard. It sounds like Rice assistant is a lock for one of the spots.

• Frank Martin will bring his entire staff from Kansas State to South Carolina with him. The announcement has not been made officially, but the USC staff – Mike Boynton, Neill Berry and Cypheus Bunton have all been told that they will not be retained.

•I have heard that Colorado State assistant Craig Smith is definitely in the mix to replace Tim Miles at CSU. It sounds like he officially interviewed with the school yesterday. He has spent the past five seasons on Miles staff and was the head coach at Mayville before that (72-29 – 3 seasons). If he is not hired, he will head to Nebraska to join Miles there.

• It will be interesting to see what happens with former Tulsa assistant Terrance Rencher. He has been involved with a bunch of high major assistant jobs, but word on the street is that if new College of Charleston head coach Doug Wojcik can get the school to pony-up enough dough, Rencher will land there. Rencher worked for Wojcik last season at Tulsa.

• A couple of press conferences on tap for today….Tulsa will introduce Danny Manning today at 2:30pm (CST). You can watch live here: www.TulsaHurricane.com. Also, the College of Charleston will formally introduce Doug Wojcik today at 1:00pm. Here’s the link: www.CofCSports.com.

• Pretty interesting article here….New Ohio head coach is Jim Christian is not only the highest paid basketball coach in the MAC ($425,000), there is only one president in the league who makes more than he does (and it’s not the president of Ohio)! http://thepost.ohiou.edu/content/coach-get-425000-annual-sal…

• Speaking of contracts….take a look at Bruce Weber’s incentive laden deal at Kansas State. Looks like he’s got himself a pretty sweet gig. http://kansasstate.scout.com/2/1174224.html…