Daily Dirt – 5/27/11

A few things as we sail into the Memorial Day weekend….

The name that keeps coming up at Penn State today is Arizona State head coach Herb Sendek. Not sure if Penn State can get the money close however. The one thing that I can confirm here is that East Carolina head coach Jeff Lebo is not in the running. He said today that he is not interested and will stay at ECU. His connection with Eddie Fogler (both UNC guys and Lebo worked for him at Vandy and South Carolina) and his PA roots led to a lot of speculation about his interest.

Former UConn assistant Pat Sellers is going to be hired at Hofstra. Sellers resigned at UConn after an NCAA investigation in 2009-10. He spent last season coaching in China.

I’ve heard that Tennessee grad assistant Ryan Cahak is in the mix for the video spot at Ole Miss. The former Syracuse player is also involved with the DBO spot at Eastern Michigan (coached by former SU assistant Rob Murphy).

Enjoy the long weekend!