Daily Dirt – 8/5/11

One more day of vacation…..here’s what I’ve heard while lounging on the beach….

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee staffer Dejan Matic has left to assume the top assistant spot at Olney Central CC. He had been on the UWM staff for one season in an administrative role.

I have heard that Dan Gibbs is involved with the DBO spot at NJIT. Gibbs served as an assistant at Hartwick (NY) last season. He was a manager at Syracuse before that.

I’ve heard from a good source that Alabama Southern CC head coach Ben Hicks is involved with an assistant position at Jacksonville State. Hicks has been at ASCC for the past four seasons.

A lot of speculation going on over the vacant job at Hunter. It may have been turned into a part-time job – still waiting on clarification. It sounds like the long search process is almost over though. I should have something on this by early next week.