Daily Dirt from the beach – 8/2/11

The DirtKing is on the coast with the DirtQueen and all of the little DirtBags. Between trips to the pool and the beach, I’ll try to get some "dirt" posted. The DirtQueen isn’t a huge fan of me blogging while we’re on vacation, but I’ll do my best….

I’ve heard that Mt. St. Mary’s assistant Mike Farrelly is involved with a spot at Niagara. Farrelly worked at the Hoop Group before joining the staff at The Mount last season. He played collegiately at St. Joe’s (PA).

Matt Fletcher will become an assistant at Kentucky Wesleyan. He had been an assistant at Concordia (MN) and played at Southwest Minnesota State.

I’ve just been informed by the boss that we are headed to dinner – more "dirt" soon…..