Daily Dirt II – 5/1/14

A couple of quick updates on previous items…

• I have been given the green light to give a better update on Maine…from what I am hearing, the search is now focusing on two candidates – Northeastern associate head coach Dave McLaughlin, and Rhode Island College head coach Bob Walsh. Skype interviews wrapped up earlier this week, and from what I hear these may be the only two campus visits at this time. Pretty good list of America East, CAA, and A-10 assistants that did not make it through. Both guys have been DI assistants and have had success as small college head coaches.

• I mentioned yesterday that Armstrong Atlantic was down to two finalists, Mercer assistant Doug Esleeck and Limestone head coach Brandon Scott. I have heard from two excellent sources now that the job was offered to Scott and has been turned down. Ball is in Esleeck’s court now, but hearing some funny things. I will keep you posted on this one…