Daily Dirt II – 7/8/13

Busy day today – here’s DD #2…

• I have heard that former Ball State head coach Billy Taylor is involved with an administrative spot on Fran McCaffery’s staff at Iowa. Taylor was released this spring after compiling a 85-99 record over six seasons. He played at Notre Dame when McCaffery was an assistant there, and also worked for him as an assistant at UNC Greensboro.

• I blogged earlier today that I had heard that Northwest Florida head coach Steve Forbes was involved with an assistant spot at Wichita State (http://www.hoopdirt.com/blog/5fbe19b1/daily-dirt-7-8-13/…) – I can now confirm that it is a done deal. I have now heard that NWF assistant Jason Shay is also on the move…multiple sources have told me that he is headed to North Dakota. Like Forbes, Shay is also a former Tennessee assistant.

• It sounds like William Jewell College (MO) assistant Matt Sligh has been hired as the new head coach at Motlow State (TN). Sligh has been on the WJC staff for the past three seasons – the official announcement is expected this week.