Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Louisville Zone Busters

This is a great drill from Coach Sam Purcell of Louisville Women’s Basketball that focuses on simulating and attacking zone defense while using the Dr. Dish CT shooting machine.   There’s also a great wrinkle towards the end of this video that adds a decision making concept into the drill.   Check it out below!  

  As with every drill and workout, it’s essential to focus on proper fundamentals like going game speed, making crisp passes with the OUTSIDE hand, and catching ready to shoot. If you have enough players to add in a defensive component, that’s always a great way to make it even more game-like.   Of course using Dr. Dish is not required but will greatly enhance the efficiency and stat tracking of the workout.   Give this a try in your workouts/practices and challenge yourself to make as many shots in a certain time period and track your progress (ex: 5 minutes).