Dr. Dish Drill of The Week

During out small group workouts, I like to break down our offense into parts that end with shot opportunities for the players. In addition, I try to maximize our time by getting as many shots as possible in that time. 

Checkout the full breakdown of the Toss Back shooting drill in the video below.

 Toss back shooting with Coach Tony Miller

 Toss Back Shooting Tony Miller

As a 4-out, 1-in team, we play out of the slots a lot within the flow of our offense. With this drill, we start with a player in each of the slots.

  • On the pass out from the Dish, the receiver will split catch and middle drive towards the free throw line.
  • On the drive, the other player will circle behind the drive and receive a toss back pass for a shot.
  • The passer then relocates to the other slot to receive a pass and shoot.