Hawaii Hilo update

Pretty interesting search going on right now at Hawaii Hilo. On May 22nd, I blogged about the three finalists for the position (http://hoopdirt.com/blog/bcb74ff1/hawaii-hilo-finalists/…). At the time they were Panola College associate Head coach Guy Beach, Grand Canyon assistant coach Mark Nelson, and Humboldt State head coach Steven Kinder. Funny thing has happened since then…all three guys have now turned down the job. I heard that it was first offered to Nelson, then Kinder, and finally Beach. Since no one accepted the position, Hilo is now on their second group of three finalists. This time around, I have heard that the three are:

Keith Cooper – Former head coach St. Martins. Compiled a 116-158 record in 10 seasons before being dismissed earlier this spring. A former assistant at Seattle Pacific and Central Washington.

G.E. Coleman – Associate head coach Central Washington. A CWU alum who also spent time as an assistant at Eastern Washington.

Andy Bronkema – Interim head coach Ferris State. Has been an assistant at Ferris State for the past six seasons. Was named interim head coach in May after Bill Sall departed for Northern Michigan.

We’ll see if UHH fares any better with this group….