HoopDirt party tonight!

The entire DirtStaff is getting together tonight to celebrate the recent launch of WHoopDirt, and the continued success of HoopDirt. We’ve come a long way since we hatched this idea over a late night poker game almost four years ago! Tonight’s party is taking place at CasaDirt (the DirtQueen has been cooking for two straight days to get ready for this)! Our menu includes sausage wontons, wings, buffalo dip, homemade meat ball subs, ridiculously chocolaty desserts, and plenty of booze! This event is open to the public – if you can find the DirtMansion, come on by!

Seriously though, we enjoy running the HoopDirt empire – we spend a lot of time and energy running the websites and feel it is finally time to get everyone together and let loose for a night! We have a great staff and work hard to bring the best info that we can to our readers. We appreciate all of the kind words that we receive on a daily basis from our followers and look forward to continuing to grow the empire!

Don’t look for any updates on HoopDirt or WHoopDirt after 7:30 tonight (or early tomorrow morning)!