Introducing the newest member of the HoopDirt family


First there was the NBA, then came the WNBA. There is Men’s college basketball (MBB), and of course there is Women’s (WBB). Now, to accompany HoopDirt, we’ve added WHoopDirt!

After constant requests from our readers, we are proud to announce the newest addition to the HoopDirt family, our sister site, WHoopDirt, exclusively devoted to women’s college basketball coaching news, rumors, and jobs! We have spent the past few months cultivating sources and developing the framework for We are now very excited to be able to provide coaches with the most up-to-date job listings, instant news, and breaking rumors in the women’s field on a daily basis.

Also, in keeping with the original mission of HoopDirt, we will not charge anyone to access our WHoopDirt information! We originally began this to help coaches who were trying to get started in the business, or trying to move up. Our staff is made up of current college coaches, so we understand how difficult this business can be. We remain committed to providing a quality resource for coaches, and are now happy be able to offer that service on the women’s side as well.

Please check out and let us know what you think. Also, you can follow us on Twitter (…#!/WHoopDirt). Enjoy!…