More on the Gonzalez arrest

I don’t know why I find this so interesting, but after I posted the story on the arrest of former Seton Hall head coach Bobby Gonzalez (…), I did a little more digging. This is like driving by a gruesome accident on the highway – you know you shouldn’t slow down to look, but you do any way……

From the Seton Hall message board – an explanation of what happened from Gonzo’s sister Linda:

"Please leave my family alone, we have been through enough. This incident is no more than a misunderstanding and one, I’m afraid, is my fault. Bobby did not steal anything, he did not shoplift anything. I was on the phone with him and I blindsided him with bad news about my mother’s health. I was trying to explain to him a test they wanted to do on her the next day. His reception was going in and out and he said, I’m going to hang up, and I will call you right back. He walked out of the store, didn’t realize he had the bag. He went into a restaurant next door, tried to call me back, still bad reception, then realized he had the bag. He gave it to two girls said it belonged to the store next door. They returned it for him, while he ran out of the mall to get back to me. He did not leave the mall with a bag. He did not steal anything. He did not remove tags on anything. If there was a tag removed, it was that way when he picked it up. Because he left the store with the bag and because he was recognized, the store filed a complaint anyway. That’s it. I would appreciate it if you would stop the sarcasm and cruel nonsense. It is undeserved and plain wrong."…

Also, apparently a satchel is some type of man-purse (excuse my ignorance – I guess I’m old fashioned – I just carry a wallet). Anyway, here’s a clip of the satchel / man-purse:…

What a weird thing – and to pay (or not pay) $1,400 for it….ugh.