The New Hampshire Basketball Coaches Organization will be running a clinic on Saturday November 1, 2008. Looks like a pretty good clinic for any HS coach in the northeast as you get for your season to start. The schedule for the day is:
8:30am-2:00 pm – High School Coaches Clinic (Large Gym)
8:00-9:00 Registration Large Gym Lobby
8:30 NHBCO Fall Coaches Meeting
9:00 Stan Spirou- SNHU Men’s Coach, Defense and Rebounding
9:45 Dave Faucher- Daniel Webster College Men’s Coach- Offensive Concepts
10:30 Jeff Cross- Converse/Exeter High Asst. Coach, Post Play
11:15 Rules Interpretation- New Hampshire Board of Officials
11:45 Lunch
In cafe
12:30 Dan O’Rourke- Hanover High Girls Coach, Developing a Successful Program
1:15 Don Maynard- Oyster River High School- Half Court Defense