This is a busy time of year for high school and college coaches who are going through the process of applying for a new coaching position. The job search process can be a stressful time filled with anxiety and rejection. Addressing deficiencies in your resume, portfolio, and interviewing skills can help you be more successful
Updates on a couple of DIII searches: Keene State: Former head coach Rob Colbert was informed that he has officially been denied his appeal over his firing last month. This paves the way for the interim head coach to be announced. I reported back on 7/22 that it was a four horse race (Daily Dirt –
Daily Dirt – 6/3/15
Today’s Daily Dirt… I have heard that the search for an assistant at Presbyterian has been narrowed to four. Among the group is a DI video coordinator (believed to be the leader), a former DI operations guy, and two other assistant coaches. Sounds like the official word will come any day. I’ll go with the