The Power of Pairing Video with Basketball Play Diagrams

FastBreak PlayBook Video Pairing

FastBreak PlayBook Video Pairing

You can unlock a whole new level of understanding and engagement by pairing video clips with basketball play diagrams. Video allows you to provide real-life examples of how the plays unfold in action, capturing movements, timing, and coordination. You are no longer limited to static play diagrams, you can now offer your players a dynamic visual that brings your coaching strategies to life.

Basketball play video pairing hudl synergy

Pairing Video Inside of FastBreak PlayBook

There are a few ways you can pair videos inside of FastBreak PlayBook. From your dashboard, you will see your “Team Video Library”, in the top left you can upload files saved on your desktop. This is compatible with Hudl and Synergy, as long as it is in an MP4 format. From here, you can add to a specific set that is already created inside your playbook or library.

The most universal way will be adding video directly from inside the play diagram. You’ll be able to title this video and choose where you will be pulling the clip from.

There are multiple options for adding video inside FastBreak PlayBook. To learn more, watch the YouTube video below to learn how to pair videos inside FastBreak PlayBook quickly.

  • Adding from your FastBreak PlayBook video library
  • Uploading a new video
  • YouTube
  • Hudl highlight/Hudl download
  • Synergy download
Basketball play video pairing hudl synergy app phone

Video Storage Options

All FastBreak memberships include video storage. Single-user membership comes with 10 GB while a Full Team Membership has 50 GB. There is always an option to upgrade to more.

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