UNC-Wilmington update

The longest search in the history of searches is still going on. Not a ton to report – we know that Ed Conroy turned the job down in favor of Tulane and no high major assistants have expressed any interest. There was some type of discussion with Wofford’s Mike Young, but nothing seems to have come of that. Tennessee Chattanooga Head Coach John Shulman and College of Charleston assistant Mark Byington seem to be the last two candidates standing. There have been conversations between both of them and UNCW AD Kelly Merthens over the past few days. I can’t get any "dirt" one way or another as to which way this is heading. After firing Benny Moss almost 3 months ago, and the signing period beginning on April 14th, I thought this would have been done a long time ago. Here’s a novel idea – keep interim head coach Brooks Lee – he may be the only one who wants this job!