We’re Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After being down for a few days, we’re finally back! We had some crazy issues with our server and exceeding our bandwidth. I won’t pretend to understand what happened but the problem stemmed from our rapid growth! When we started HoopDirt.com almost two years ago, we knew one day that we would need to upgrade our server. With the amount of hits we’ve been getting, we figured that we would be fine for another couple of years – apparently we were wrong! We exceed 15,000 hits in about a 48 hour span at the beginning of the week, and our server was not able to handle it. We have now changed servers and moved all of our data over there (and when I say we, I mean our IT guru who deserves a lot of credit for getting this done – kudos Billy!) I will try to get as much updated info up that I can today and hopefully get everyone caught up on what may have been missed over the past few days.

Lastly, I received a ton of email from readers yesterday all expressing concern that the site was down. I appreciate all of their kind words – it is nice to know that we have such a loyal following. The reason that we got into this was to help other coaches, and from the emails that were sent yesterday, it appears that we have. Thanks for reading HoopDirt.com!