Daily Dirt II – 5/15/13

Here’s the second installment of the "dirt" for today…

• I have now heard from two different sources that former Marquette assistant Scott Monarch will become the new head coach at Claffin University (SC). He had worked at Marquette from 2008-2012 and also worked for Buzz Williams at New Orleans. Monarch also served as the head coach at Panola (TX) JC for six seasons.

• Earlier today, I mentioned that former Siena assistant Ben Davis has landed as the head coach at Mt. Ida (http://hoopdirt.com/blog/6cb4eb70/daily-dirt-5-15-13/…). It now sounds like another former Mitch Buonaguro assistant will land on his feet…multiple sources are reporting that Tobin Anderson is the leader and in fact may be the choice at St. Thomas Aquinas College (NY). Before joining the Siena staff in 2011, he was the head coach at Clarkson (1999-2004) and Hamilton (2004-2011). He has a 185-129 career record.