Daily Dirt III – 4/11/13

My inbox and phone are blowing up today. Here is the THIRD installment of the “dirt”…

• I’ve heard from a good source that Maryland assistant Scott Spinelli is involved at Florida International. Spinelli has a ton of high major experience, including Maryland, he has been an assistant at Texas A&M, Wichita State, Nebraska, and Wyoming.

• Loyola (MD) will hold a 2:30pm press conference tomorrow to introduce Jimmy Patsos’ replacement. The word on the street is that current assistant G.G. Smith is the leader here. Smith played for his father Tubby at Georgia, and also worked for him as a GA at Kentucky. He has been on the Loyola staff since 2007.

• I have heard from two separate sources that Casper College (WY) head coach Joel Davidson has resigned and will become an assistant at Northern Colorado. His squad won 24 games this past season, and he leaves with a 110-54 record at the school.

• Two separate people have told me that they’ve heard that Delaware assistant Phil Martelli Jr. is involved with the vacancy at Neumann College (PA). Martelli just completed his second season at Delaware – he was an assistant at Niagara before that. Martelli played for his father Phil at St. Joe’s.

• Today’s Daily Dirt I: http://www.hoopdirt.com/blog/88cfa835/daily-dirt-4-11-13/…

• Today’s Daily Dirt II: http://www.hoopdirt.com/blog/6cd36e50/daily-dirt-ii-4-11-13/…