Author Archives: The DirtKing

WEEK 3: Coach of the Week presented by The Hoop Group

Congratulations to the following coaches who have been selected as the Week 3 Coach of the Week presented by The Hoop Group. The coaches are now eligible to receive the National Coach of the Year Award presented by the Hoop Group which will be announced at the conclusion of the 2016-17 college basketball season. Nominations for next week’s award

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BRIAN BARONE: Self Awareness in Coaching…EPISODE 2 “Keeping The Dark Side Out”

This post is a continuation of EPISODE 1- “Build Your Jedi Team…Consistent You Must Be”. It’s a further exploration of my reflections on the philosophical coaching/parenting masterwork that is “Star Wars.” Throughout all 9 Star Wars movies there is a “light” and a “dark” side. The young Anakin Skywalker was a “good boy” with the talent and potential to be a

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WEEK 2: Coach of the Week presented by The Hoop Group

Congratulations to the following coaches who have been selected as the Week 2 Coach of the Week presented by The Hoop Group. The coaches are now eligible to receive the National Coach of the Year Award presented by the Hoop Group which will be announced at the conclusion of the 2016-17 college basketball season. All previous weekly winners can

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