
Drill of the Week

Having a knock-down jump shot is great. Being able to create that jump shot off the dribble, or having the ball-handling skills to make you a multi-dimensional player, is elite. At Dr. Dish, we understand the importance of being more than just a great shooter, which is why we have drills to help you train multiple aspects of

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Drill of The Week

Between other sports/extracurriculars, vacations, and packed schedules, it can really tough getting a group of teammates or friends together to train and work on your game in the summer.  Luckily, Dr. Dish has an extensive library of individual drills that you can do solo and still improve this offseason! 1.) Pick & Roll Progression w/ Skylar Diggins-Smith

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Drill of The Week

Looking to make your shooting drills a little more game-like? Try adding a defensive player to increase the pressure on the shooter. Check out the 3 drills outlined below to get you started! Pressure Shooting In today’s game, offenses are designed to create long closeouts for the defense. In times past, players were taught to

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Three30 Basketball is Hiring Basketball Trainer Interns

Three30 Basketball is a premier skill development and training company geared toward the improvement of high-level and elite basketball players.  This summer we are looking to expand our team to include a basketball training internship. This temporary position would be perfect for any high-level male or female, post high school or collegiate level player looking to

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The 13th Annual Rising Coaches Conference – 7/19-20 – Chicago

We are thrilled to host the 13th Annual Rising Conference July 19-20, at the Zephyr Event Center in Chicago, IL.  Please use the code HoopDirt to receive 20% off when you REGISTER TODAY at www.risingcoaches.com Confirmed Speakers: Shauna Green – Illinois Mike Procopio – NBA Player Development Coach Dave Severns – NBA Pro Scout  Elwyn McRoy – Coastal Carolina Kevin Devitt –

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Drill of The Week

Work on your shooting and ball handling skills in this progression from Strength N Motion International Co-Founder and FIBA Certified Coach, Step 3 George “Gee” Gervin Jr., son of NBA Hall of Famer George “Iceman” Gervin. Check out the full progression in the video below! Around the world Progression Drill 1: Baseline to Baseline Shooting

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Drill of The Week

In this drill from Ratiopharm Ulm and FIBA Skills Trainer Moris Hadzija, simulate split second situations with balanced shooting. https://www.youtube.com/embed/F17FIj4BVJ8 Split Second Reactions This workout encompasses four different drill variations and shooting from two different spots on the floor, 45-degree and corner threes. Shot 1 – Back to the basket, crossover, turn and shootShot 2

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