This is a busy time of year for high school and college coaches who are going through the process of applying for a new coaching position. The job search process can be a stressful time filled with anxiety and rejection. Addressing deficiencies in your resume, portfolio, and interviewing skills can help you be more successful
Developing a Professional Coaching Portfolio for Basketball Coaches
When coaches ask me what they can do to stand out in the job search process, I ask them if they have their coaching portfolio prepared. Many coaches aren’t sure what a portfolio consists of, let alone have one prepared! The coaching portfolio is a tool that provides a potential employer insight on you as
You Got the Interview….Now What?
Have you ever been in a coaching interview and absolutely bombed on answering questions you knew you should have nailed? Maybe you talked too much? Maybe you didn’t talk enough? Maybe you didn’t fully understand the question and you rattled off a response that was completely irrelevant to the question? Being able to tell your
Didn’t Get The Interview or Job Offer? Here’s Why!
There are several reasons why you may not get an interview for a position you applied for, or why you didn’t get the offer after interviewing. Understanding what some of these reasons may be will help you prepare and limit any objections you may face during the process. If you need help with your coaching
What to do on a resume or portfolio if you are at a bad program
This article is brought to you by The Coaching Portfolio Guide. Over the years, I have gotten the question from coaches about how to overcome unsuccessful coaching stints or experience at programs that did not have much success on the field or court. If you’ve been in coaching long enough, at some point you’ll be
March Madness and the Job Search Process
This article is brought to you by The Coaching Portfolio Guide. March Madness is a terrific time of year! We all enjoy watching the Blue Bloods and the Bracket Busters. This year’s tournament has provided plenty of exciting moments from St. Peter’s run to The Elite Eight, to Coach K’s journey in his final tournament
Getting Your Foot in the Door – GA and Entry Level College Coaching Positions
The competition for GA (graduate assistant) and entry level college coaching positions, even at the lower divisions of college basketball, is insane. There are so many coaches and aspiring coaches, young and old, who are looking to get their foot into the college coaching door. Things have gotten so crazy at the Power 5 level
Coaching Portfolios for Young Coaches & Recent College Graduates
I received an email from a college athlete that had just recently received his undergraduate degree. He asked how he should build a coaching portfolio when he lacked coaching experience. In my opinion, it is important for young, aspiring coaches to start to put their thoughts and ideas down on paper to develop their thought
Why Your Coaching Portfolio Should Be More Than Just a “Template”
I receive questions about The Coaching Portfolio Guide website on a daily basis. Many coaches are seeking an easy way to develop their coaching portfolio. They want a tool where they just plug in their info and “Presto!”…..they have a coaching portfolio. For anyone who has created a coaching portfolio, they know it is not
How to Create a Killer Cover Letter for Your Coaching Resume
For samples of effective cover letters for coaches, sign up to be a member of The Coaching Portfolio Guide today! A cover letter is a document to an employer explaining your interest in a specific job. This letter should also highlight your qualifications for the advertised position. The number one mistake that coaches make when
Phrases That Can Ruin a Coaching Resume
Too often, coaches use phrases in their resume or cover letter that are generic and cliché. They believe these phrases will make them stand out to the hiring director or search committee, when actually, these phrases often encompass characteristics that we EXPECT to see from successful coaches! Below are phases that I have seen on