NBA Conference Finals Teams Executing Ball Screen Offense

FastBreak PlayBook Basketball software

FastBreak PlayBook Basketball software

The ball screen offense is rapidly becoming one of the most widely implemented strategies across all levels of basketball. This is due to several reasons: it creates spacing, allows for the use of the read-and-react concept, and serves as an effective form of the “2-Man Game”.

For instance, in the 2024 NBA Conference Finals, each of these four teams, Boston Celtics, Indiana Pacers, Minnesota Timberwolves, and Dallas Mavericks all executed various forms of the ball screen offense.

Advantages of Ball Screen Offense

The ball screen offense offers several advantages. It creates mismatches by forcing defenders into difficult positions, often leading to advantageous player matchups. Proper execution spreads the floor, resulting in open shots, driving lanes, and clear passing options. Additionally, ball screens provide high versatility, working effectively in various situations, including half-court sets, transition offenses, and critical late-game scenarios.

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Boston Celtics Baseline Out Of Bounds “Line”

This baseline out-of-bounds set starts as a line formation with the shooter in the corner. This set is packed with scoring options. To start, try catching the help defender off guard for a corner 3 to 2. 4 is flashing to the rim after the double screens. The main action is the wing ball screen ISO with 5 and 1.

Basketball Plays BLOB Baseline out of bounds wing ball screen
Basketball Plays BLOB Baseline out of bounds wing ball screen

Dallas Mavericks “Double Drag”

This is a great set to run in transition, using the classic double drag setup in a 4-Out, 1-In formation. Furthermore, the center (5) plays a crucial role by setting effective screens to get players open and utilizing the pick-and-roll to create space and scoring opportunities.

Basketball Plays drag  wing ball screen 4 out, 1 in FastBreak PlayBook
Basketball Plays drag  wing ball screen 4 out, 1 in FastBreak PlayBook
Basketball Plays drag  wing ball screen 4 out, 1 in FastBreak PlayBook

Indiana Pacers 4-Across Wing Ball Screen

The straightforward 4-across formation offers plenty of space regardless of the play. Additionally, before initiating the main action, there’s a subtle backscreen option for 4 if their defender lapses. If that is not open, the primary objective is to return the ball to your point guard and set up an isolated wing ball screen.

Basketball Plays BLOB Baseline out of bounds
Basketball Plays BLOB Baseline out of bounds
Basketball Plays BLOB Baseline out of bounds

Minnesota Timberwolves Pin Down Pick & Roll

The play is designed to get the ball to the playmaker guard (3), enabling them to create off a high ball screen. Meanwhile, players 4 and 5 offer screen pindown and high ball screen options. One of them can sprint into a ball screen, while the other post player relocates to maintain spacing. The cross-screen action between 4 & 5 can be utilized for an easy duck-in opportunity.

Basketball Plays drag 4 out, 1 in FastBreak PlayBook
Basketball Plays drag 4 out, 1 in FastBreak PlayBook
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