
Pivot Analysis: Going beyond the box score

Tracking individual stats and box scores has been a standard method of basketball analysis across most organized levels of play. However, that doesn’t always provide the whole picture. As basketball analytical methods and technology have developed, so has the use of more advanced statistical metrics. The tracking of lineup performance and on court player impact

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HDPlaybook: Top Offensive Videos of the Week

Through out the week, HoopDirt.com has been sharing coaching videos on Twitter. Below are our Top Offensive Videos: 1. PICK AND ROLL OFFENSE 101 with Assistant Coach Dave Severns of the Los Angeles Clippers is an incredible primer on incorporating the pick and roll action into an offensive attack. Covering everything from the basic teaching

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Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Zone Flash

Coach Mason explains a great team shooting drill utilizing the Dr. Dish CT shooting machine to simulate a zone offense with a middle of the lane flash. This drill is great for teams to simulate offensive action against a 2-3 or 3-2 zone defense. Players get the opportunity to practice their mid-range shots, receiving a

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Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout:Steve Nash Dribble Through Progression

At Dr. Dish Basketball we’re passionate not only about creating great shooters, but COMPLETE players. Our partner and skills trainer Jordan Lawley demonstrates a great dribble through progression to work on controlling your pace and reading the defense. Check out the full breakdown in the video below! https://www.youtube.com/embed/mqs8SNibbRU?feature=oembed The first progression focuses on a baseline shot. When you catch

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What About High School Basketball?

There has been a lot of discussion about how colleges are going to function with COVID-related restrictions, but very few people are talking about how this affects high school programs. Nettleton High School girls’ basketball team has found a way to connect with their players in spite of hurdles created by the pandemic.  “Just Play has been

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Bob Huggins Virtual Coaches Clinic – November 7

Itinerary: Shaun Brown – Strength and Conditioning Erik Martin – Player Development Ron Everhart – Ball Screens / Half Court Offense Larry Harrison – Press Virginia / Half Court Defense WVU Men’s Basketball Practice Q&A with Coach Huggins Webinar link provided the day of clinic. Segment videos will be available upon completion of clinic. For

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HDPlaybook: Top Defensive Videos of the Week

Through out the week, HoopDirt.com has been sharing coaching videos on Twitter. Below are our Top Defensive Videos: #1. Get your Certification for Jim Boone’s Pack Line Defense with the absolute most comprehensive teaching and Pack Line Defensive development  program on the market today.  This Course will provide you with greater depth into the Pack

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