
The Coach’s Insight, featuring Chaminade University Head Coach Eric Bovaird

Coach Eric Bovaird, Head Coach at Chaminade University, talks about their rich basketball tradition, playing (and sometimes beating) Power 5 opponents, the Maui Invitational, and the inner workings of running a program in state of Hawaii. View past Episodes of The Coach’s Insight: Episode 1: HoopDirt.com’s DirtKing Adam Nelson Episode 2: Cal State Fullerton Associate Head Coach

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Coaching Points – Say What You Mean

My Twitter feed has been blowing up lately with videos and pictures that all look similar.  Soaked practice gear, hands high in huddle, head coach at the center. It wouldn’t even catch my attention, except I haven’t seen this scene in months.    Practice. It’s that time again. Division I programs started last week, while

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Connecticut Area Coaches Hoop Clinic – November 4th – Hamden, CT

Connecticut Area Coaches Hoop Clinic Date: November 4, 2018 Time: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Cost: FREE ADMISSION Location: Hamden Hall Country Day School, Taylor Gymnasium, 1108 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06517 Donations accepted at the door for “In A Heartbeat Foundation” Mike Papale www.inaheartbeat.org  If you are a middle school coach, high school coach, travel team coach or even

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