DIII Dirt…

I had DII Dirt earlier today – gotta show some love to the DIII guys as well…

• I can confirm that Billy Clapper is no longer the head coach at Penn State Altoona. Clapper just finished his sixth season at the school – his team went 5-20 this year. He wraps up his tenure at PSU-A with a 38-112 over all record. Clapper, who played at Youngstown State, was also an assistant at Indiana State. No word yet on the search.

• I have heard from multiple sources that the search to replace recently retired Jim Smith at St. John’s (MN) is down to three: Caleb Lawson (assistant coach Washington University [MO]), Paul Grove (head coach Minnesota-Morris), and Pat McKenzie (current assistant at St. John’s and an SJU alum). It sounds like this could be wrapped up with in a week. **UPDATE** This has now been confirmed by SJU: http://www.gojohnnies.com/news/2015/4/6/BASKETBALL_040615584…

• Here’s our DII Dirt from earlier today: http://www.hoopdirt.com/blog/489a1aa9/dii-dirt/…

• Big day for HoopDirt on Wednesday…more to come soon!

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