
Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Drift and Rise

Head Coach Kyle Rechlicz of UW-Milwaukee demonstrates a great team shooting drill and progression that she implements with her program using the Dr. Dish CT machine called Drift and Rise. This is a great progression that focuses on game-like actions and moving without the ball. Check out the full breakdown below! Full progression: 1. Drift

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Suite 615 offering Professional Development Opportunity

What has been the most beneficial professional development service you have experienced in your career? Well, we have a more advantageous service for you.  Read about our offer, right here. For college coaches, it’s important to invest in your own skill development in order to (1) achieve the level of success that you’re capable of

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PhD Hoops Virtual Coaches Roundtable

For the past couple of months, PhD Hoops has hosted FREE virtual coaches roundtables via Zoom every Friday at 12 pm ET. They are designed for coaches worldwide of all levels, both male and female, who want to share and learn from each other on various topics. We bring together dozens of coaches who are

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GW360 Virtual Town Hall discussion July 1st

#GW360 is a Virtual Town Hall discussion meant to inspire, educate and motivate members of underrepresented races in higher education and academia. The event is all day on July 1st starting at 9am and the last panel discussion starting at 9pm. We have 7 different panel discussions that range in topics. The discussions will be

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In A Heartbeat High School Coaches Clinic

If you are a coach at any level of basketball, please take advantage of this great, free clinic. We have an incredible lineup of speakers who are willing to join us on our life-saving mission to prevent death from sudden cardiac arrest. They are going to share their knowledge with you! Help us spread the

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Learn to Win Coaches Clinic Monday, June 8th

Learn to Win’s Virtual Coaching Clinic on Monday, June 8th at 5pm EST with Coach Josh Pastner (Head Coach, Georgia Tech Men’s Basketball) and Coach Jerod Haase (Head Coach, Stanford  Men’s Basketball). Click below for registration info.