Event: KTS Coaches Clinic Date: October 28, 2017 Venue: St. David’s School 3400 White Oak Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Beneficiary: The Club Teen Center wakebgc.org/clubs/teen-center/ Clinic Cost: Early Bird Special $30 (August 25 – September 17) Registration : $55 (September 18 – October 25th) How to Register: 1. Visit our full site at www.keybasketball.com – 2. Mail check to: “Key To Success” 618 N. Boylan Ave Suite #626 Raleigh, NC 27603 – 3. Email [email protected] to arrange payment by phone *(No Onsite Registration)
Dr. Dish Skill Builder: Partner Shooting and Handles
In this Skill Builder workout, Coach Mason is joined by me, Nick Bartlett (Marketing Manager at Dr. Dish Basketball), in the Dish Lab to demonstrate a great partner shooting and ball handling workout. Check it out below! For more great basketball drills and videos, visit this page. And as Coach Mason always says: Make sure to
Norwich University Coaches Clinic- October 22nd
The Norwich University basketball programs will be holding an inaugural Norwich University Coaches Clinic on Sunday, Oct. 22. The clinic will feature a series of guest speakers, headlined by former University of Vermont men’s basketball coach Tom Brennan. Brennan was the coach of the famous 2005 UVM team that upset Syracuse in the first round
Frostburg State University Coaches Clinic
The Frostburg State men’s basketball staff has announced that it will hold a coaching clinic on Sunday, November 5 from 1:00-4:00 pm. The clinic will be held in Bobcat Arena and the cost is free. The clinic is open to all coaches from middle and high school to AAU and recreational and will offer offensive,
Do They Even Compete?
Coaches, as most of you know by how busy you all currently are, the season is rapidly approaching and teams are beginning to prepare for their first several games. I am confident that most of you are well aware that I am in support of the up and coming company Just Play Solutions. I am
Dr. Dish Skill Builder: Decision Making Closeouts with Positionless Basketball
At Dr. Dish Basketball we’re always looking for different ways to utilize our machines for game-like scenarios. We were thankful to have Coach Jordan Petersen of Positionless Basketball join us in the Dish Lab to showcase ways that he uses Dr. Dish with his players. In this shooting drill, we simulate a 2 on 1
1st Annual Jersey Shore Coaches Clinic – October 7th, 2017 – Middletown N.J.
1st Annual jersey Shore Coaches Clinic Date: Saturday, October 7th, 2017 – 9am – 2pm Location: Mater Dei High School/Middletown N.J. Price: $65 per coach $90 for Staff of 2 $115 for Staff of 3 4 or More, Call or Email for Rate Fee Includes Registration, Breakfast & Coaches Gift Speaking Topics: Bob Hurley: Defining
Exclusive preview of Virtual School School & “8 Components of Scouting”
After the overwhelming success of their Pro Scout School event hosted in Las Vegas each summer, TPG Sports Group has recently launched an online course called “Virtual Scout School”. The course is just $9.99 per month and will provide access to monthly content, video breakdown, video chat sessions and quizzes. HoopDirt has a special preview
Getting out of your Comfort Zone with Basketball Training
The greatest players in the game of basketball understand the importance of hard work and dedication. The athletes that are willing to push their bodies to the limit and get out of their comfort zone are usually the ones that have a competitive edge on their opponents. Dr. Dish Basketball understands that training hard and
iWork Class of 2018 Battle for New York High School Showcase – October 11, 2017 – College of Staten Island
Calling all DII and DIII coaches! Don’t miss out on this one of a kind event as a mix of some of the top Class of 2018 talent across NY lace up for their respected region to battle for NY bragging rights. Each team will play in 3 games and receive custom uniforms. College coaches
Workflow Automation in the Budget Conscious World
After huge success this year, Just Play is now offering a streamlined workflow solution for D2 / D3 / NAIA teams. Imagine this: It’s the middle of the season, you’re tired, stressed and you find yourself frustrated because: You are operating in two, three or maybe even four different software systems to prepare for your
Coaches vs Cancer Coaches Clinic – Sunday September 24th – Babson College
COACHES VS CANCER BASKETBALL COACHING CLINIC BABSON COLLEGE – SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 Register: https://www.tipoffmadnessma.org/clinic-details-and-tickets SCHEDULE: 8:00AM REGISTRATION *** 8:30AM ALEX POPP – VERMONT ACADEMY HEAD COACH Topic: ATO *** 9:15AM JOE SCOTT – HOLY CROSS ASSISTANT COACH Topic: Individual and Team Skill Development *** 10:00AM ANDREW HABERMEHL – BABSON ASSISTANT COACH Topic: TBD ***