Daily Dirt – 2/28/19

Things are starting to get busy. Here are a few small college things that I’ve heard…

  • Kennesaw State posted their job yesterday (HERE). It’s still unclear if a search firm will be used, but I’ve heard that one of the Senior Associate AD’s is currently running the search. Too early for any legit non-speculative names here.
  • It sounds like Eddie Fogler is helping with the search at DII Lander University. I have heard that they’ve been moving quickly, and are already down to the final thee.
  • The search at DIII Hampden-Sydney is humming. I have heard there have been phone interviews this week, and on-campus interviews will be coming shortly. It sounds like at least three DI assistants have been interviewed (all from schools with H-SC connections), as well as one current DIII NESCAC assistant.
  • UT-Tyler is moving from DIII to DII, and word is that they are focusing on current DI assistants and DII head coaches. I have heard that the job will pay as much as $125,000. They are expected to join the Lone Star Conference next season.
  • NAIA Green Mountain College (VT) is closing it’s doors after the semester. They’ve got 15 guys looking for homes for next season. Contact head coach Ben Davis for more info:
    [email protected]
  • Our 2019-20 Coaching Changes Tracker is now LIVE! You can check it out HERE.
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