Fairleigh Dickinson rumors…

As I mentioned earlier today, I have started to hear a lot of names surrounding the vacancy at Fairleigh Dickinson (which is now confirmed as open). This is a pretty “hot” job right now, mostly because there are a bunch of guys with strong NYC / NJ recruiting ties who are trying to get involved. The early names that I’ve heard the most surrounding this one are:

• Jim Carr – Assistant coach University of Rhode Island. Spent two seasons as an assistant at FDU under Tom Green. Also along time Rutgers staffer who spent a bunch of years working with the Hoop Group (NJ). Now works NJ guy Dan Hurley at URI.

• Tony Chiles – Assistant coach St. John’s. A NYC native who played at Columbia. Has also been an assistant at Manhattan, Iona and Drexel.

• Darren Savino – Assistant coach Cincinnati. Has also worked at Rutgers, Seton Hall, and St. John’s. He played at St. Anthony’s for Bob Hurley.

• Jose Rebimbus – Head coach William Patterson. The former Seton Hall standout is 322-143 in his 17-seasons at William Patterson.

• R.C. Kehoe – Head coach Holy Family. Has been an assistant at Delaware, UMBC, and St. Francis. His squad is currently 18-9. His uncle is St. Joe’s head coach Phil Martelli.

There is at least one more Big East assistant involved here, but I’ve been sworn to double secret probation secrecy on this one!