Just Play Sports Solutions

Just Play and NCAA LiveStats by Genius Sports Announce Integration

NCAA LiveStats / Just Play Press Release Starting this college basketball season, Just Play Sports Solutions will be powered by NCAA LiveStats, the official data collection software of collegiate sports, providing the fastest and most reliable statistics on the market.   This integration with NCAA LiveStats will provide Just Play clients with access to more advanced data

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Just Play: Film Sessions

Watching film is important. It can humble or give a shot of confidence.  It can convict or acquit, teach or display. You need film for scouting purposes, for self-scouting, and to develop your players. You’d never debate the opposite because this isn’t a controversial statement. As a coach trying to win games, film is a

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Importance of Timing

The season is drawing closer and many teams are getting an early jump preparing. Whether they are working out players or passing out playbooks, everyone is itching for the season and that first practice. This time of year is great for getting mentally and physically prepared for the season. When that first practice comes, you

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Interested in Winning More Games? Read This.

“When a great team loses through complacency, it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat.” – Pat Riley Player development and teaching is changing extremely rapidly, and everyone can agree that players are different today than they were 5-10 years ago. Players are so ingrained in technology, it has

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