UMBC men’s basketball administrative staff update

UMBC has elevated Ceasar Adim from men’s basketball Graduate Assistant to Director of Player Development & Student Athlete Welfare, and added Gabe Maturo as a Graduate Assistant. Ceasar Adim Adim joined the Retrievers as a Graduate Assistant for the 2012-22 season, and was recently promoted to Director of Player Development & Student-Athlete Welfare. Prior to

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OFFICIAL: Lawson departs D3 Emmanuel College

Following up on our D3 DIRT from earlier today… Following an extremely successful three years at the helm of the Emmanuel College men’s basketball program, Head Coach Danny Lawson has notified the Emmanuel Athletic Department that he has accepted the lead Assistant Coaching spot at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). This announcement comes on

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D3 DIRT: Emmanuel College (MA) opens

Yesterday, I reported that Jim Ferry’s new staff at UMBC would include former Albany assistant Josh Pelletier and Akron video coordinator Evann Baker. I can now confirm that Emmanuel College head coach Danny Lawson will round out the staff, and be named as an assistant coach. Lawson had been the head coach at Emmanuel since

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Daily Dirt – 4/6/21

Catching up on a bunch of things after watching Baylor blow the doors off of Gonzaga last night… Search firm updates: UMBC is using TurnkeyZRG. Central Michigan has hired DHR International. Keep an eye on the Rodney Terry to Texas rumors. Chip Brown from Horns 247 is reporting that this is done, and the UTEP

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OFFICIAL: Ryan Odom named Head Coach at Utah State

Utah State University Vice President and Director of Athletics John Hartwell announced Monday that Ryan Odom has been named the Aggies’ 20th head men’s basketball coach. In all, Odom is 126-81 (.609) in seven years as a head coach and has 24 years of collegiate coaching experience. “We are beyond excited to announce Ryan Odom as

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REPORT: Ryan Odom to Utah State

According to a report by’s Brian Phillips, and now confirmed by, Utah State will hire UMBC’s Ryan Odom as their new head basketball coach. He will replace Craig Smith who became the head coach at Utah earlier this spring. The 2021 America East Coach of the Year, Odom has amassed a 97-59 (.622)

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Daily Dirt – 3/24/21

Some quick hitters to start the day… UMBC head coach Ryan Odom is emerging as the leader at the College of Charleston. The chatter on this one has really picked up over the past 24-hours. Pretty interesting since C of C hired CSA to help with the search – former Wake Forest + South Carolina

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REPORT: Ryan Odom to remain at UMBC

A report today from the Baltimore Sun confirms that Ryan Odom will remain at UMBC next season, and will not be heading to Virginia Tech. Earlier today, the Washington Post reported that Odom would be announced as the Hokies new head coach today. UMBC finished 21-13 (11-5 AE) record this past season, and lost to

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